Menfolk Journeys
This podcast explores how different men from all walks of life wear the beautiful and confusing mantle of manhood.
Men can be knuckleheads in public life. But in private, if given the right questions and if they feel comfortable, men can also be thoughtful, reflective, and have deep conversations about their lives, big questions, and meaningful ideas.
We have great conversations with men just like us and from all walks of life, so we can learn from their personal stories and all get better together.
27 episodes
26. Doug and His Community
Who is your tribe?Do you have a large family, or a community that surrounds you, supports you, and perhaps binds you? Are you born into a community, or do you make one for yourself?This conversation with Doug is about the magnet...
Season 1
Episode 26

25. Lucio and The Permission To Be Himself
"Just be yourself. Everyone else is already taken." - Oscar WildeSometimes we lack the courage to really listen to the person you are, or sometimes we might hear, but don't understand what we're telling ourselves.Sometimes we ne...
Season 1
Episode 25

24. Michael and the Making Of His Own Life
When do you make the choice to not become your dad?We all think about how we were raised, especially when we have our own children. And, we all think about what we want to do that worked in our past, and what not to do.My friend M...
Season 1
Episode 24

23. Zack and Faith is a Moment, Love is a Verb
How do you know when you have to change your life?When you grow up in an all-encompassing and all-consuming world but then find that you need to live in another world to be your most authentic self, how do you find the strength to do tha...
Season 1
Episode 23

22. Cass and Still Learning from Pop
Do we ever stop learning from our parents?Even at 70, my friend Cass thinks about his dad, and what kinds of lessons he’s passed on. Maybe the folklore of our parents never leave us. Maybe there are ideas and value that persist and live ...
Season 1
Episode 22

21. David and The Responsibility of Privilege
Is your responsibility to give and pass on in proportion to what you've been given?If you have been blessed with a head start and a safety net to fall into as a just-in-case, what do you do with that? My guest David spent t...
Season 1
Episode 21

20. Simon and A 21st Century Odyssey
Have you wandered? And if you did, did you get back home or to your own “North Star’?I think the Homeric epic The Odyssey continues to be compelling, especially for menfolk, even after 2,700 years. The story of trying to get back home, ...
Season 1
Episode 20

19. Sean and Following the Breadcrumbs
The origin of the word “serendipity” is suggested to have from a 1754 fairy tale titled The Three Princes of Serendip, by Horace Walpole. In the story, the heroes ‘were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things th...
Season 1
Episode 19

18. Andrew and The Swagger That Comes With Being Yourself
How do we gain confidence? Where does a sense of full possession, of being comfortable with who you are, come from? Does it ever leave? Or, once you possess yourself, can you hold fast to that belief that you are everything you need to be? ...
Season 1
Episode 18

17. Eric and A Fearless Spirit Figuring It Out And Passing It Forward
When we are growing up, do we know we're missing some vital things in life? And when we grow up, do we try to reclaim the stuff we felt we missed?My guest did, and does. He recognized some things in his life that he wanted to reclaim, a...
Season 1
Episode 17

16. Tom and Finding Myself Again
When we discover our true, authentic selves, it's usually in childhood. Let's say we're about 5 or 6 years old, and we're aware enough of people, we're beginning to form our own identity, but we're not saddled with the expectations from friends...
Season 1
Episode 15

15. Tim and Manhood, Fatherhood, Sonhood
What guidance do you have in charting the course of your life? What kind of convention, pillars, framework, or set of rules do you abide by?When beginning an adulthood, many men get lost. So many find that the paths are too winding, ope...
Season 1
Episode 15

14. Eriq et Ex Chaos Ad Discipulus
This is a MONSTER episode. How do you go from a completely chaotic childhood filled with abuse and mixed families, push through a confusing adulthood of service and religion, and find yourself with a 30+ year marriage, a bevy of be...
Season 1
Episode 14

13. Larry and A Life Of Purpose
What does it mean to combine a profession and a purpose? Who among us are working towards meaning with how they make a living?This story is about a man who learned through his own patterns that meaning and purpose in everyday activity i...
Season 1
Episode 13

12. Scott & KJ and Transitions of a Father and Son
Is pride and love for our children unconditional? Do we - at our core, as parents - want our children to be happy and proud of their most authentic selves?We know that over the entire history of human culture, from Gallelio t...
Season 1
Episode 12

11. Father's Day Tribute
Happy Father's Day! This episode is a tribute from menfolk of all backgrounds telling stories about their pops.Stories of great moments, times we saw them at work, the lessons learned, and how they made memories that lasted our whole li...
Season 1
Episode 11

10. John and The Art of Devotion
What does it mean to live a life of purpose and faith in the real world of commerce and community? Every man's faith journey is unique, and some have a journey that aligns all the elements of Religion, Church, and personal belief. ...
Season 1
Episode 10

9. Jack and The Freedom That Comes With Passion
When you are shocked into Manhood, sometimes the only way forward is to do what you love. And by pursuing a passion, you might end up taking care of everything else.Usually, if you love what you do, you'll be good at it. And, if you bri...
Season 1
Episode 9

8. Tom and A Golden State
Growing up in California in the 50s and 60s gave to the lucky ones a blessed and idyllic start in life. Sunshine, prosperity, optimism, and the chance to play in a place that seemed to offer everything.What does that upbringing do to yo...
Season 1
Episode 8

7. Gary and A Wandering Path To Home
"All who wander are not lost" is a cliche, because it's true. Our own journeys move around, and can unfold in ways we can't predict.My friend Gary has had an EXTRAORDINARY career path, with a LinkedIn resume that is filled with national...
Season 1
Episode 7

6. Scott and The Science of Uncertainty
How does a man discover that his pursuit of science can be a remedy for a childhood of uncertainty? When we live in an environment we don't choose, how can we respond with an entire course of a life? If we have a solitary nature, how do w...
Season 1
Episode 6

5. John and The Necessary Gift of Resilience
One of the more philosophical and poetic moments of the “Rocky” movies is in the last one, Rocky Balboa. In it, Rocky tells his son “You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you c...
Season 1
Episode 5

4. Lars and A Path Of My Own
The path to choosing to be an entrepreneur is different in every case. To forego a traditional career where you “find a job,” and instead push into the unknown where you create your own career is rare and takes a certain kind of skill and gumpt...
Season 1
Episode 4

3.5. Amohotar
We all have met friends who seem to connect in ways that are deep and abiding. These are the "brothers from another mother" who are there for us for all our lives. These are the friends like Augustus McCrae and Woodrow Call from "L...

3. Michael and Lives Within A Life
The Buddhist and Hindu (and other) precepts of multiple lives are well-known.Whether you think that is a valid life perspective or not, and whether you think this is your only life and there isn’t another go-round, anyone I’ve met...
Season 1
Episode 3