Menfolk Journeys
This podcast explores how different men from all walks of life wear the beautiful and confusing mantle of manhood.
Men can be knuckleheads in public life. But in private, if given the right questions and if they feel comfortable, men can also be thoughtful, reflective, and have deep conversations about their lives, big questions, and meaningful ideas.
We have great conversations with men just like us and from all walks of life, so we can learn from their personal stories and all get better together.
Menfolk Journeys
11. Father's Day Tribute
Happy Father's Day! This episode is a tribute from menfolk of all backgrounds telling stories about their pops.
Stories of great moments, times we saw them at work, the lessons learned, and how they made memories that lasted our whole lives.
From Chuckles the porpoise, to watching pop do plumbing, to cleaning beakers for 50p, skiing, chess, road trips, and not ever learning to swing a hammer, we have loads of great stories of great pop moments from menfolk just like us.
Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there.
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